"Don't love me because I'm beautiful...Think I'm beautiful because you love me" - anonymous
"I can be your best friend or your worst enemy. I will let you pick which you prefer"

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

My Bad

Ok... I"m bad... Been a year since I updated... Sorry... things kind of got away from me.
I even forgot my password which was a pain in the butt to retreive.
So what's new?
We now have 2 more kittens. Fondly known as the devil children. Wicca and Esme. Miss. Midnight was a sucker kitten. She was so good and well behaved. These two.... lets just say it's it's a good thing they are cute. 3 phone chargers and one RAZAR Game mouse that cost me $80 to replace later....OH and an Ipod charger that was lets say not even 24 hours old.... lord knows what else the little darlings have chewed.

They are identical except in size and temperment. Both black with a couple of white's in the exact same spot on their chest. Wicca is bigger and more like Midnight. She cuddles when she wants to and not in front of anyone. "God forbid anyone seeing me have cuddles with mummy". Esme on the other hand although smaller is the bully. She is also the cuddles kitten. She purrs non-stop. They were born March 9th which is the same day as the little witches birthday. We went for one to keep Midnight company and how can you decide between 2 idential little kittens.
I swear the 2 of them have powers of their own. Strange things have happened since they arrived. Like lights turning off. Computers being closed down. Midnight found in a draw that was closed night at the trailer. Gemlin sort of stuff.

I also bought a 28 ft homestead trailer. Which we parked about 40 mins from the house. The little witch and I spend most weekends up there with the critters and a week up there with Speedy and Auntie Jobthingy. It was definitely relaxing and good for the healing.
The little Witch and I have been getting hot stone massages.... TO DIE FOR... They have helped her arm so much and she had them done to the sinus... she is so tickled pink about getting them done... we are going to miss our favorite massager as she doesn't travel in the winter.... sniff.

Well Christmas is just around the corner and I'm not looking forward to it. I wish I could just curl up in bed and pull the blankets over my head and have it go away...but that is another long story...



~*Jobthingy*~ said...

hee hee i love that pic of the kittens.

yay for updating!

and yes relaxing is the word for the week at the trailer. HEAVEN!

A said...

Welcome back! :)