"Don't love me because I'm beautiful...Think I'm beautiful because you love me" - anonymous
"I can be your best friend or your worst enemy. I will let you pick which you prefer"

Friday, September 26, 2008

People Can be such idiots

People can be such idiots. They assume that because you are Wiccan and into Wicca that you cast spells and hexes on others.... HELLO... That is not what it's all about people. I suggest you try google and read. A true Wiccan follows the Rede. These Eight words the Rede fulfill: "An Ye Harm None, Do What Ye Will". Tell me what other religion practices that.

Miss Muppet aka the Little Witch is going to a Catholic School and it's past time for her Confirmation etc. She is being raised Catholic till she is old enough to make up her own mind. But.... I feel she already knows... she is very smart. I had the pleasure of phoning our Parish Church.... Talk about Queen B answering the phone. "You aren't in our Parish"... Um yes I am... my daughter is cross boarder... "Do you go to Church?" .... Um Nope. Just wait till they find out why... LOL... that should be interesting don't you think.

I am a firm believer that Wiccan is the oldest religion and that all others are a branch off. There are so many similarities. But of course we couldn't have people worshipping a Goddess now could we ... has to be a man... cough cough... NOT.

Oh I finally have almost all of my Alter stuff... my Athame came in...OMG it's beautiful. I ordered a few more things last night and I still have to get an incense burner that takes Charcoal to burn the incense... I'm picky...

I'm having a problem picking my Wiccan name... Most go with Willow or something nature. I happen to like Morticia or even Morgana.


~*Jobthingy*~ said...

lol i would like to be a fly on that wall when they drop their jaw knowing why you dont go to church

Andie said...

hehehe gotta love churches :P

I would love to see a picture of your altar some time!